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Coloring Brick During Process
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Before / After Restored retaining wall, 10+ years sprinkler damage.
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Before / After Restored paver path with 10+ years of sprinkler overspray. 50’ x 4’W. 40 yr. of sprinkler damage on Brick wall. Combined 20% color & 80% TruRenu. The wall looks new.
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Albertsons HQ: combined 20% color with 80% TruRenu to change the color of brick. The color isn’t a coating like paint. It penetrates INTO the brick, Permanently changing it.
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Lasted 7 years so far. Architects say that no other product on the market eliminates efflorescence like this.
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Restores 50 years of sprinkler damage on brick, windows, & frames.
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Restores – oxidized brick